God's Plan for History
The Rugby GameBringing the Kingdom
Gods Big StrategyPreparing for Jesus
Empire to KingdomTransition to Kingdom
What is Going On?Times of Distress
Theses for the KingdomKeys to Eschatology
Democratic BeastIs a Terrible Beast
Wounded BeastDemocracy is dangerous
False ProphetRationalises political power
American BeastIdentifying the Beast of Revelation
Woman on a BeastUnderstanding a Mystery
Ten ReasonsThe US could become the Beast
Silent before BeastChristians Cheerleaders for the Beast
Mark of the BeastMark of the Beast
Lion and EagleUS and Iran Struggle
4GW LeopardFourth Generation Warfare
Islamic StateAssyrian Spirit and IS
Saudi ArabiaVery vulnerable kingdom
Time of TransitionNot the Second Coming
Fall of the BeastPolitical Power Collapse
The Book of RevelationWhat is it about?
Notes on RevelationVerse by verse
The Seven SealsWhen the Seals are Opened
The Seven TrumpetsSuccess and failure
Parallel PowersPowers of evil destroyed
False Ideasabout God’s plan
Preterism v FuturismMisleading dichotomy
Jesus Big ProphecyUnderstanding Matthew 24
The Nation of IsraelGod's plan
Defending KingdomVision of the Kingdom
Desperate TimesA warning vision
Suffering to KingdomSuffering and the Kingdom
Linear or CircularDirection of History
Discerning SeasonsTraumatic events
Prophetic EventsFour types of disaster
Role of JudgmentsProtective judgments
New SeasonsWhat does this mean
The Problem of EvilEvil in a good world?
Earthquakes and HurricanesRestoring societies
ShakingA Word For New Zealand
Davids Two BurdensGod's purpose for NZ
After LifeWhat Happens after Death
God and EvilThe cause of disasters?
Why Him?Kingdom of God