A Vision for the Season
The AmbushCommando Strategy
Economic CrisisBeing Prepared
Social CollapseCoping with Social Distress
Doing Church in a CrisisLessons from the Coronavirus
DisconcertedReal good news
Real good news
The ChurchWhat is a Church?
Radical LeadershipA radical leadership model
EldersThe ministry of the elder
Ascension GiftsHow do they fit in?
The ApostleThe ministry of the apostle
Pastor/TeacherThe ministry of the pastor
The ProphetThe ministry of the prophet
The EvangelistMinistry of an evangelist
Balanced LeadershipLove and submission
Pastor/LeadersNot in the Scriptures
The DeaconThe ministry of the deacon
Caring for the PoorDealing with poverty
TithingNot the real deal
Radical Lifestyle ChurchRelationships are key
Future Church StrategyReaching the World
Decline and RevivalRevival is a false hope
Churched ChristiansBest avoided
Church MeetingsMostly a Waste of Time
The Lord's SupperNot a ceremony - a shared meal
Healing MinistryKeys to the Healing
Why Did God Allow It?Does God cause sickness
Rock of OffenceOffence limits Healing
AccusationsAccusations empower Evil
The Apostolic WayPlanting churches
Starting a New ChurchTwelve Easy Steps
Path of an ApostleApostolic church growth
Local FinancesSupport for apostles
Governmental ApostlesA bad approach
Centralised FinancesThey are dangerous
Church and KingdomThe Kingdom is the goal
Revival and PersecutionTough for the Church
Response to PersecutionResonding with faith
Real CommunityBuilding community
Twos and ThreesNo bulk action revival
One Another StuffLoving one another
Power PairsThe key relationships
Love and SubmissionStrong relationships
What is a Person?What makes a person tick?
Spiritual RealmsKey to the spiritual realms
Perceiving the SpiritualSeeing the spiritual realms
Spiritual ProtectionProvides Spiritual Protection
Personal ProtectionSafety in Spiritual Warfare
Prayer and AuthorityKeys to effective prayer
Authority for IntercessionAuthority works two ways
Third Heaven IntercessionA confusing doctrine
God's SovereigntyHow God reigns
ControlGod is in Control is wrong
SeasonsHoly Spirit does not get tired
FastingWhat is its purpose
The IncarnationWhy Jesus came as a baby
Works RighteousnessNot the Old Covenant
No Covenant of WorksAll God does is Grace
Jesus' SalvationEverything achieved by the cross
What is God LikeAngry or Love
Propitiation and RedemptionRedemption from Evil
TabernacleRole of the Tabernacle
Leviticus & OfferingsPurpose of OT Offerings
Pure and ImpureDecontamination needed
Why BloodCleansing the tabernacle
Day of CleansingWhy is it needed
Righteousness in RomansIt is different
WorshipKeeping worship balanced
YahwehGod has a name
BaptismUnderstanding Baptism
Christians and MoneyHow does God bless us?
Twelve Big OnesTwelve Obstacles to Revival
Women and MinistryWomen in leadership
SufferingSuffering in 1 Peter
Love your EnemiesLove those who dislike you
RejectionYouth in an Age of Rejection
Church GovernanceDoes governance exist?
Ahab ComplexIt releases a Jezebel spirit
Seeking Political InfluenceDanger for the Church