Why did he kill his son
Mary and MarthaWhy was Martha flustered?
Samaritan WomanJesus' first evangelist
Accused WomanWhy did Jesus write in the dust?
Ananias and SapphiraWhy did they die?
Widows MiteNot a justification for tithing.
Render to CaesarNot much!!
Church ShamblesBad agreement
Paul and JamesProblems in Jerusalem
Thorn in the FleshWhat did Paul suffer from?
Pastoral EpistlesWho wrote them?
DemasOften misjudged
Law and GraceThe Law is all grace
Reading RomansGrace and mercy, not wrath
Righteousness in RomansIt is different
Understanding GalatiansLaw provided protection
Galatians and RighteousnessWhy be righteous
Tricky LawsUnderstanding what they mean
Parable of the MinasAn alternative interpretation
Unjust StewardWhy is he a good example?
Wheat and TaresGrow up together
Why Did God Allow It?Does God cause sickness
Propitiation and RedemptionRedemption from Who
Violent War in the OTWarfare in the OT
God and ViolenceWhy is evil in the world
Esther and ViolenceNo pre-emptive violence
Spiritual ProtectionBefore Jesus
Eli's MistakeDeath uses cancer
WrathWhy is there so much wrath
Tabernacle of DavidNot a real Tabernacle
Jehoshaphat's VictoryObedience brings victory
Elisha and the BearsWhy were the bears angry?
Samuel and SaulAmbivalent relationship
LeviticusFor Israel only
Leviticus & OfferingsPurpose of OT Offerings
StoningNot what we think
Burning by FireNot what we think
Law and GraceNo covenant of works
The FleshWhat is it?