Humanism is a False Prophet
The voice that dominated the last century is humanism. This philosophy that has flowed out from the United States and Europe to flood the entire world. Humanism shapes the way the modern world thinks. A prophet speaks for his god. Humanism allows man to speak for himself. This movement has been so successful, that man has become his own god.
The humanistic project that began in the 19th century hoped to bring peace and plenty to earth using scientific methods and economic development. The original Babel aimed to build a tower that would reach up to heaven. Their real goal was to bring heaven to earth. Babylon and Rome had the same goal. This beast also aims to bring heaven to earth. Rome believed this could happen, but most cultures since have just concentrated on surviving; anything more seemed impossible. With the enlightenment, which began in the 19th century, the dream of bringing heaven to earth became common again. Now most people expect nothing less, but apart from God, the dream will fail.
The State as Saviour
Humanism has vastly expanded role taken by modern governments. They now promise to provide cradle to the grave security. Over the last century, the thinking of people has changed, so that they now expect the state to provide all their needs. Governments care for the poor, the sick and the elderly. There is a widespread belief that the state should guarantee wealth and happiness for everyone. This has increased the power of the modern state.
The rulers of earlier empires had more absolute power than current governments and took the title saviour, but they never considered care for individuals to be part of their role. The state acted on behalf of the privileged elite. The rest were left to fend for themselves, or worse, were slaves. This idea of the Government as a real saviour is totally new. Under this state of mind, the civil government is expected to resolve all problems. This is the spirit of age.
This way of thinking has become so pervasive that even Christians have been captured by it. Being compassionate, Christians often say, "the Government should do something about it", when they see human suffering. However, they are honouring this beast and forgetting that Jesus is the only saviour.
Developing Nations
This vision has been especially dangerous in the developing world. In the West, this doctrine sits on a strong economic base inherited from earlier generations. This has enabled the deadweight of an enormous state to be sustained. In Africa, the same philosophy has made people look to a strong man to provide wealth and happiness. However, there is no economic base to sustain the strong men, so the people remain in poverty, while their rulers live in plenty.
United States
The United States is the centre from which humanism has been exported into the entire world. The American movie, television and music industries shape the universal culture that is sweeping the world. Together with the universities, these industries have spread the secularism that is rampant in the western world.
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