I had have been puzzled about freemasonry for some time. Clearly, the spiritual forces behind freemasonry were active in all Western countries through most of the twentieth century. However, over the last few years, the influence of freemasonry has declined, as the older generation died and the younger generations did not feel the same appeal. However, the evil spirits behind this movement have not died, so they must be operating in a less obvious way. I knew that they were still working, but I did not know how. Then I received a newsletter about the spirit of rejection that provided the answer.
The key is to understand that evil spirits can change the way they operate, if their previous method becomes ineffective.
Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him. I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,' he said (1 Kings 22:21-22).
Here we have a spirit deciding to be something different to cope with a new situation. This means that the spirit that dominates an age and place can change over time. The change happens slowly, because spirits are not very creative and find it hard to develop new skills.
The post-war period was dominated by a spirit that worked through freemasonry. Now that the freemasonry movement has atrophied and is dying, the spirit behind it has morphed into a spirit of rejection, so it can be more effective in the next generation.
War Generation
The men of the war generation were rejected by their leaders but ignored it, because they were very task focused. They had completed the job of winning the war, so when they got home, they just got on with getting the job done at home too. They wanted to provide their children with a better life than they had known, so they worked extremely hard. They did this because they loved their children, but they rarely spoke the words. They were so busy being successful that their children, felt rejected. (Belonging to the freemasons was part of being successful).
The baby boom generation had a good life, but they did not receive the love they needed, because they felt their parents tied love to performance. The baby boomers passed a spirit of rejection onto their children at birth. Rejection is now the spirit that shapes and controls their children's generation.
This sense of rejection is ironic, because children of the baby boomers are an indulged generation. Their parents have given them everything and run around after them. The schools did everything they could to boost their self-esteem. It is hard to understand how they would feel rejected when they have received so much. Yet they almost all carry a sense of rejection.
The parents of this generation are confused by this. Many feel quite angry. They have given so much, but are not appreciated. Why should an indulged generation feel so rejected? It does not make sense.
The reason is simple. This generation actually inherited their rejection in the womb, so they were not able to receive love from their parents. All the psychobabble that should have boosted their self-esteem, just never penetrated the rejection they received in the womb. Everything that was done for them was interpreted through inherited rejection, so it was all misunderstood.
Their parents responded to their hurt, with more indulgence, but that just adds to the hurt they feel. Moreover, this indulgence has a hook in the tail. It leaves the child feeling obligated to the parent, and then failure to meet the consequent expectations, just adds to the rejection.
The spirit of rejection makes it difficult for young people to establish relationships. They are often unwilling to commit, because they fear being rejected again. Shallow relationships are safer, because they do not risk rejection. This might be why young people operate in mobs. They can be part of a group, without the risk of rejection that comes with commitment to another person.