Dark clouds are rolling in from the sea and over the land.
Anything that is not tied down tight will be battered or blown away.

The season of freedom and favour is coming to an end.
to be replaced by hostility, hatred and possible harm.

A sword of persecution will come against leaders who campaign
against abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism and cannabis in the next election.
They will be accused of stirring up hatred and hostility
towards those who are hurting and helpless.
They will be labelled as lacking in love and compassion.

Facilities that have been publicly-funded will be shut
to silence the voices that are speaking loudly against sin.
Some will be hounded from their places of power.

After and explosion of anger,
Christians will be afraid to come together in crowds.

When they hide together in their houses
something amazing will happen.
The Holy Spirit will make his home amongst them.
He will heal those who are sick and broken
and many people will choose to follow Jesus.
God will raise up helpers from within their homes
to watch over them
to teach them the way of Jesus
and to bond them into his body.

(January 2020).











